Flo asked me to do the Branding of his Start-Up fO.goods. His aim was not to have the perfect calculated logo. He wants something like I did previously as a fun project: Clay Typeface. An experimental approach to the logo which can be changeable at any time but still needs to identify as fO.goods.
First steps
It all started with a brandworkshop. We defined it wich direction we want to go.

We wanted to create a dynamic logo. So first of all we discovered where the logo will be placed and how easy or hard is it to change it frequently. And in which way you can customise it by your own.

Logo Ideas
The first try was to sketch anything between the “f” and the “goods”. It can be anything that comes into your head.

Logo generator
The first ideas leads to a logo generator. So we have a generative organic shape with different attributes we can adjust. In the complexity as number of points and how crazy the curves should be drawn, shown as randomness. On top of this we can change the style like stroke width, color of the logo and the background.
With the randomise button we can generate different types of the shape, but with the same attribute values. It’s also possible the get a bunch of logos with the same attribute values.
The logos get exported as SVG’s so that we can use it in all cases.
First sticker pack with transparent logo

User generated Logos
We build this logo generator so that everyone can generate their own logo.

Final guidelines of the branding